Welcome to the USDA Management Interactive Network Connection (MINC) system. MINC is an interactive system that
collects project budget and tenant residency status information from trusted partners.
MINC also allows these trusted partners the ability to schedule electronic funds transfers for their project payments and view
detailed information about their tenants residency.
Monthly MINC tenant transmissions are due by the 10th of each month at 11:59 PM CST. Management Companies in the Mountain, Pacific and Hawaii-Aleutian time zones should adjust their transmission deadlines accordingly.
Management Agents
Users that perform account maintenance tasks such as create a new user and assign projects to a user.
The agent can also view all the transactions that their MA Users submit.
MA Users
Users that submit files with tenant transactions and budgets,
schedule electronic funds transfers and review all the transactions that they submit.
Per the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) - New Tenant Certification requirements for Asset and Income determination are being implemented for certifications effective on or after 07/01/2025.
Effective 04/01/2021, all late and/or expired tenant data will be shown on the monthly PWS. No further notification will be conveyed by letter. It is the borrower/MA responsibility to ensure that the data on the PWS is accurate and meets the requirements of 7 CFR 3560.
Due to a recent audit finding, all SSNs that meet the following criteria have been deemed invalid: SSN = 000000000, or 999999999, or starting with 666, or starting with 900 through 999, or < 9 numeric digits for anyone in the household.
All transactions containing these SSNs will be rejected and you must contact our office for resolution. MINC will assign a system generated number to the affected households, and you will have to use the assigned number on future transactions or until a valid ID is available.
New passbook savings rate of 0.45% is in effect as of 1/1/2025. This new rate will be used for all tenant certifications effective 1/1/2025 and later.
System Maintenance: Sundays 6 pm - 12 am CST. The system may not be available during these times. Please plan your system use accordingly.
The MINC system is certified for use with Chrome or EDGE Version 93.0 or higher. It is not certified for other browsers/versions and/or security settings.